Step 3 – Bridging the Gap: The Change
Fundamentally, all this introspection and questioning as a consequence of our Covid-19 Bolide Effect is making us conduct a shortfall analysis:

  • Where does your organisation need to be to win going forward?
  • How does that differ from what was acceptable in the past?
  • What gaps therefore need to be addressed?

This defines the changes your organisation must make to survive and thrive.

To then structure and deliver the changes required into your organisation, we would suggest you engage with the following two models: one from Knoster (which we have adapted to allow for the importance of Culture in embedding change) and one is our own creation from Bigrock. One is about ‘Thinking’ and designing the changes, the other about acting and ‘Doing’ the change.

The Knoster Model beautifully captures all the dimensions that must be considered and thought about – the ‘Thinking’ model, the Bigrock Core 8 Model describes the sequential process that one must act upon to achieve lasting change – the ‘Doing’ model.

The ‘Thinking’ – Knoster
Knoster Model
Knoster is both simple and compelling. If you miss out one of these 6 elements, then successful change will not occur. It shows us what will happen if any piece is missing, and as such gives us a ‘checklist’ of all the areas we must consider. We must then design a consensus on what we want to happen against each area, and then build the plan to act.
Core 8 helps deliver that action…it is about the ‘Doing’.

  • Have we created ‘Buy-in’ …. At a Strategic, Leadership and Individual level?
  • Have we delivered learning and achieved commitment to act and change behaviours?
  • Are people applying and elevating their new approach?
  • Is this being re-enforced, supported and embedded until it becomes a new habit?

When properly applied – Knoster and Core 8 will evolve and even transform your organisation. Taking a challenging situation, and turning it to your competitive advantage.

The ‘Acting’ – Core 8
Core 8 Spiral
Buy In
Learn & Commit
Apply & Elevate
Habit & Review
The final part in our  The Bolide Effect series is one not to be missed. Use the button to access The Bolide Effect Part Four: Corporate Fatigue.