Creating Experiences

Embedding a Customer Centric Culture


Landsec were looking to optimise the experience of their customers, communities, partners and fellow colleagues. The aim was to give employees the mindset, processes and skillset to deliver their brand idea of “Everything is experience”.

Landsec asked Bigrock to design and deliver a cultural change programme for the whole organisation that would help leaders, managers and team members breakdown silos and overcome their inhibitions to create a mass mindset for innovation and customer excellence.


We began with a discovery piece to identify development needs and explore how we could best help the organisation achieve its objectives. Discovery involved site visits, interviews, observations and an online survey. We then analysed our findings and presented our recommendations for a cultural change programme.

The change programme itself began with facilitated events for the firm’s executive and senior leadership teams, where we explored the role leaders would play in bringing to life their vision and in embedding a client centric and innovative culture.

All colleagues, from every team and level of the organisation, were then invited to attend 2-day events that combined the latest innovations in experiential, digital and facilitated learning. Key principles of the programme were first introduced online, through an interactive webstory and other digital content that was shared with colleagues in advance of their event.

The 2-day events were a far cry from your traditional training course. Each event was open to 45 attendees, chosen from different seniority levels, departments and locations. Instead of being trained in a traditional way, attendees worked in groups to discover new concepts and explore best practice approaches through research, discussion and activities. In the afternoon of day 2, the groups tackled a case study based activity that challenged them to apply the techniques they had learned to deliver an excellent experience for customers, communities, partners and colleagues. Group activities, practise and outputs were videoed and later uploaded to the digital learning environment with a link send to attendees in the weeks following the event.

Landsec also produced this highlights video to promote the event to colleagues:

After all colleagues had attended the 2-day workshops, it was time to take it local. Bigrock were asked to design practical, localised events that the firm’s leaders could then deliver with their teams.


The programme has been hugely impactful, with attendees embracing new concepts and keen to drive change in their role. People across the organisation have been given the opportunity to share their ideas, seek out innovation and contribute in a active way to the delivery of the firm’s brand promise for a world class customer experience.

The video below shows just some of the key learns attendees took from our experiential events:


I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed Monday. Everything has been really well thought through and it was a day rich in content and materials and fun. Fascinating to see how the team I was in became more of a team in just those few hours. I think we have a real opportunity to make a change. Thank you to you and your colleagues for my experience and all that you have done and are doing.

Senior Leader, Landsec

Just wanted to say well done for such a great day on Wednesday. I really thought the whole thing hung together so well and you and the team have a done an awesome job (in the face of some serious challenges). I am very excited at what this will do for our business. Thank You.

Senior Leader, Landsec

Following the 2-day event, we asked attendees to give us three words to describe their experience. Attendees responded with:
Click below to download a printable pdf copy of this case study: